Concert - "Ludivine Issambourg's Outlaws"

Friday 7 & Saturday 8 June 2024, at 9 PM, La Note Bleue

Concert - "Ludivine Issambourg's Outlaws"

Concert - "Ludivine Issambourg's Outlaws"

La Note Bleue Summer Festival - Ludivine Issambourg has been at
the centre of France’s musical scene
over the past 15 years as one talented
flutist, composer and producer. Her
multiple collaborations (Incognito,
Wax Tailor, Chassol, Angélique Kidjo
and many more) nourished her and
lead her to experiment with her
sound somewhere between Electro
Jazz, Hip Hop and Jazz Funk. For this
very special double concert, Ludivine
will be performing the sequel to her
acclaimed first album Outlaws: ‘Above
The Laws’, paying homage to the Jazz
Funk legendary productions
of the 70s and 80s.
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Da venerdì 7 a sabato 8 giugno 2024, Da 21:00
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Plage du Larvotto - Avenue Princesse Grace
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