Concert - "Close Encounters"

Evento superato

Friday 16 & Saturday 17 August 2024, at 9 PM, La Note Bleue

Concert - "Close Encounters"

Concert - "Close Encounters"

La Note Bleue Summer Festival - Melbourne-based Close Counters’
diverse soundscape sits at the
crossroads of house, neo-soul,
broken beat and disco. A true
live act at heart, the duo will
expand to a 4 piece tour de force
for their performances on our
shore, bringing live vocals and
drumming to the front, with their
synth-heavy sounds providing
the perfect musical backdrop
for the dancefloor. A young but
already mighty formation having
been praised by the likes of Gilles
Peterson, Folamour, Young Franco
or Defected Records, Close
Counters are coming, and you’d
better be dancing!
1 foto
Da venerdì 16 a sabato 17 agosto 2024, Da 21:00
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